The Ark and the Dove by Jill Eileen Smith

Close up of woman's face above Noah's ark on water, light on horizon, and dove with olive branch

The Ark and the Dove by Jill Eileen Smith
Series: A Standalone
Publisher: Revell (February 27, 2024)

Review by Mae Clair

I pre-ordered this book the moment I saw it become available. I’m a huge fan of the author and was delighted she undertook the story of Noah. I have longed to read a novel on his life, with roots in scripture.

The Ark and the Dove
is told from multiple characters in third person POV. Noah’s wife, Zara, provides the central/strongest voice as the story unfolds. The reader follows Noah’s family—he and his wife, their three sons, and their sons’ wives—from the time God tells Noah to build the ark, through the flood, to time spent on the ark, and many years afterward. That sounds like a lot to fit into a single book, but Smith handles it with finesse.

There is so much thought that goes into the progression, including the basics of life on the ark, care of the animals, and the long days without sun.

Noah grabbed the latch and pulled, but the door would not budge. “I cannot open the door.”

“Let me try.” Shem took his turn, and each of his brothers did the same, but no one could open the door.

“God has shut us in. We won’t be able to leave the ark until he opens it again.”

The Ark and the Dove by Jill Eileen Smith

Can you imagine knowing you were only one of eight people left on the planet? My emotions rode many waves as I experienced the foolishness and hardness of heart from people pre-flood and the prayers of Noah’s family for their loved ones. Once on the ark, the interactions among Noah’s family members kept me flipping pages. I was particularly moved by the relationships between Zara and the wives of her three sons.

I shouldn’t have been surprised by the depth poured into the characters, as Smith always does an excellent job of emotional engagement. Family dynamics unfold on the ark through several plot threads. More than once I felt sorry for Sedeq and Adanteses, even Keziah. I waffled back and forth with Ham, sometimes annoyed with him, other times I felt sorry for him. Needless to say, I was engaged!

All characters from Noah on down, are excellently portrayed, and spiritual elements are present throughout the book amid its multiple time periods.

I have always loved Genesis 9:13­—I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth (ESB). What a beautiful promise toward the end of this novel! Although the story doesn’t conclude there, I found comfort in God’s steadfast promise for the future of mankind.

I highly recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys Biblical fiction and stories with strong family dynamics.

I give The Ark and the Dove five joyful fish!

composite image of five drawn fish from the British Museum on unsplash

I purchased a Kindle copy of The Ark and the Dove from Amazon.

36 thoughts on “The Ark and the Dove by Jill Eileen Smith

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  1. Thanks for this review, Mae! Your enthusiasm for the story and author encouraged me to get a copy, and I’m looking forward to the read.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is wonderful to hear, Grant! I just love this author. She did an excellent job of portraying the emotion of the characters throughout such a difficult period for mankind. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I did!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. My pleasure, Staci. There is a lot of Biblical fiction out there, but very little about Noah and his family. Smith handled the story with her usual dedicated research and finesse.

      As for that quote, it speaks volumes about the love of our God.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It was hard for me to imagine being on the ark for so very long, with no sun and all the water. The gamut of emotions Noah and his family must have experienced were surely extraordinary. I’m glad you enjoyed the review, Teri. The book was fabulous in so many ways.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the review, Priscilla. There were so many things I never stopped to think about considering the ark. Smith addresses everything from cooking on the ark, to caring for the animals, and how the family passed the days. When God opened the door for them they stepped out into a world with no other life upon it—that just boggles my mind!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Steve. I love Biblical fiction, especially stories set in the Old Testament. This was a fabulous book. I’m glad you dropped by to check out the review!


    1. Jacqui, the story of the ark is amazing, and Smith did it credible justice. I was engrossed from beginning to end! As for the quote, it’s always held a special place in my heart. Each time I see a rainbow, I’m reminded it’s God’s promise never to again destroy the Earth by flood waters.


    1. Joan, I love the story of Noah’s ark, and was so glad to see Smith tackle it. The research she put into it is evident in the details of construction, daily care for the animals, and how Noah and his family existed—down to things like cooking and growing herbs. And, of course, the faith elements were wonderful. It’s a fabulous story!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great review, Mae. When I watched the movie Noah years ago, I suddenly realized how hard it must have been to live in the Ark’s restricted space. This book sounds incredible, and it’s one I will check out. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If you pick up a copy, Gwen, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. My emotions were all over the place about life on the ark–from fear, to gratitude, joy, and survival. Smith’s characters really lodged in my heart as I read of their experiences. Another great, well-researched story for a talented author!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m with you on both counts, Jacquie. When I think of the ridicule Noah and his family must have endured from the start of construction, I can’t help wonder how I would fare. And living on the ark for as long as they did? Just mind-boggling!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Reading your review brings up emotions in me, Mae! I thought about Noah’s event a lot. He obeyed God to build the Ark regardless of people’s ridicule. How many of us can do that? Life on the ark for over a year must be fascinating. The lion lived peacefully with the mouse!! The rainbow, a sign of promise, still reminds me of God’s forgiveness and faithfulness to mankind. Thank you so much for the beautiful review, Mae!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Miriam. I’m so glad you enjoyed this review. When I stop to ponder Noah’s obedience to God in face of the ridicule he must have endured, I’m amazed. Not only did he endure it, but the length of time he had to put up with the insults of others is hard to imagine. And then, life on the Ark for over a year! He was surely a Godly man, despite his human flaws. The more I ponder his story, the more I find myself drawn to it. And I love God’s promise written in the rainbow!

      Thanks for your thoughtful comment! 🙂


  4. I remember learning this story as a kid, Mae. It captures the imagination as its retold over and over again. This feminine point of view feels fresh to me, and its about time. I’m glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for the review and recommendation. Happy Easter.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Diana. I did really enjoy the female POVs in this novel (especially Zara’s). The entire story definitely brought fresh perspectives of life during that time of history, and especially life on the ark.

      Wishing you a Happy and Blessed Easter, my friend!

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  5. Lovely review! And being cooped up in the ark gives a huge amount of opportunity to get inside the characters’ and their hopes and fears. Not to mention looking after allll those animals:). Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, and thanks for visiting to check out the review. Yes, Smith did an excellent job of getting inside the characters’ heads, and I loved how she worked in the care of the animals. There was so much I never stopped to consider about life on the ark. I’m so glad you enjoyed the review. Happy Easter!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Same here, Olga. I’ve seen a quasi-fantasy trilogy on Noah, but never true Biblical fiction. I’m so glad Smith tackled his story. It was truly engaging. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting! 🙂


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